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Web Development

Microsoft Azure – MongoDB Database Setup Course

MongoDB Database Setup Course

Microsoft Azure – MongoDB Database Setup Course

What you’ll learn?

Microsoft Azure – MongoDB Database Setup Course

  • How to setup and Configure a Nodejs Express sever
  • How to setup and configure Microsoft Azure BlockBlobService API
  • How to set up and configure MongoDB “mongoose” API
  • How to setup and configure Socket IO to enable internal communication between backend files


  • Backend and API concepts, Javascript, Microsoft Azure


This course Contains 2 read me files and a full video series

  • Setup MongoDB account and connection string
  • Setup Microsoft Azure account and Connection String
  • Video Course

In this course, students will learn how to create a functional database leveraging Microsoft azure, enterprise-level cloud architecture, and MongoDB, a customizable NoSQL database. The final product will serve as a template database app for a plethora of use cases. This course consists of 4 Sections and a final summary for testing.

Section 1 – Express covers, installing the required libraries, .env files, coding with the express.js library, and the parcel web bundler.

Section 2 is about Azure. I cover the benefits of using azure and the capabilities of the blob service API. Students will write code to send blobs to the azure storage container and save generated URLs from upload files.

Section 3 – Setup MongoDB covers connecting to MongoDB with the generated connection string. Students will learn how to design a data Schema. Students will understand the relationship between a data schema and a data model.

In Section 4, socket IO is introduced as a solution to send data between client programs and the main server. The concept of a client socket and server socket is explained. Students will leave this section with an understanding of how to implement socket IO.

  • Test that the server recognizes the file URL
  • Test that MongoDB is uploading the Meta-data.
  • Ensure the File is successfully uploaded to Azure

Who this course is for?

  • Any skill level who has an interest in creating a backend server using these tools is welcome to learn this framework

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